Getting Started¶
You can get started testing on Google Colab or your local machine, by viewing our many examples
TensorTrade-NG recommends Python >= 3.12.0 for all functionality to work as expected.
As package¶
You can install TensorTrade-NG both as a pre-packaged solution by running the default setup command.
pip install tensortrade-ng
Via git¶
You can also alternatively install TensorTrade-NG directly from the master code repository, pulling directly from the latest commits. This will give you the latest features/fixes, but it is highly untested code, so proceed at your own risk.
pip install git+
Cloning the repository¶
⚠️ Warning: This repository uses git-lfs for storing the Jupyter Notebooks and other big files. Make sure to install the git-lfs Extension before cloning the repository.
You can clone/download the repository in your local environment and manually install the requirements, either the “base” ones, or the ones that also include requirements to run the examples in the documentation.
# install only base requirements
pip install -e .
# install all requirements
pip install -e ".[dev]"
Build Documentation¶
You can either build the documentation once or serve it locally.
Prerequisites: You need to have pandoc installed locally for converting jupyter notebooks. Otherwise it won’t work. The pip-version won’t work, because it’s just a wrapper. You need to use your package manager, like
Run documentation as local webserver
hatch run docs:serve
Build documentation
hatch run docs:build
Run Test Suite¶
To run the test suite, execute the following command.
# Test all
hatch run test:run
# Test only specific python version
hatch run +py=3.12 test:run
# Test with coverage (only one python version recommended)
hatch run +py=3.12 test:run-cov