Source code for tensortrade.core.exceptions

"""Holds all the exceptions for the project."""

from typing import Union
from numbers import Number

# =============================================================================
# Quantity Exceptions
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[docs] class InvalidNegativeQuantity(Exception): """Raised when a `Quantity` tries to be instantiated with a negative amount. Parameters ---------- size : float The size that was specified for the `Quantity`. *args : positional arguments More positional arguments for the exception. """ def __init__(self, size: float, *args) -> None: super().__init__( "Invalid Quantity: {}. Amounts cannot be negative.".format(size), *args )
[docs] class InvalidNonNumericQuantity(Exception): """Raised when a `Quantity` tries to be instantiated with a value that is not numeric. Parameters ---------- size : `Union[float, int, Number]` The value that was specified for the `Quantity`. *args : positional arguments More positional arguments for the exception. """ def __init__(self, size: Union[float, int, Number], *args) -> None: super().__init__( "Invalid Quantity: {}. Amounts cannot be non-numeric.".format(size), *args )
[docs] class QuantityOpPathMismatch(Exception): """Raised when an operation tries to occur between quantities that are not under the same path_id. Parameters ---------- left_id : str The path_id for the left argument in the operation. right_id : str The path_id for the right argument in the operation. *args : positional arguments More positional arguments for the exception. """ def __init__(self, left_id: str, right_id: str, *args) -> None: super().__init__( "Invalid operation between quantities with unequal path id: {} {}.".format( left_id, right_id), *args )
[docs] class DoubleLockedQuantity(Exception): """Raised when a locked `Quantity` is trying to get locked again. Parameters ---------- quantity : `Quantity` A locked quantity. *args : positional arguments More positional arguments for the exception. """ def __init__(self, quantity: "Quantity", *args) -> None: super().__init__( "Cannot lock quantity that has previously been locked: {}.".format(quantity), *args )
[docs] class DoubleUnlockedQuantity(Exception): """Raised when a free `Quantity` is trying to get unlocked. Parameters ---------- quantity : `Quantity` A unlocked quantity. *args : positional arguments More positional arguments for the exception. """ def __init__(self, quantity: "Quantity", *args) -> None: super().__init__( "Cannot unlock quantity that has previously been unlocked: {}.".format(quantity), *args )
[docs] class QuantityNotLocked(Exception): """Raised when a locked `Quantity` does not have a path_id in the `Wallet` it is trying to be unlocked in. Parameters ---------- quantity : `Quantity` A locked quantity. *args : positional arguments More positional arguments for the exception. """ def __init__(self, quantity: "Quantity", *args) -> None: super().__init__( "Cannot unlock quantity that has not been locked in this wallet: {}.".format(quantity), *args )
# ============================================================================= # Instrument Exceptions # =============================================================================
[docs] class IncompatibleInstrumentOperation(Exception): """Raised when two quantities with different instruments occurs. Parameters ---------- left : `Quantity` The left argument of the operation. right : `Quantity` The right argument of the operation. *args : positional arguments More positional arguments for the exception. """ def __init__(self, left: "Quantity", right: "Quantity", *args) -> None: super().__init__( "Instruments are not of the same type ({} and {}).".format(left, right), *args )
# ============================================================================= # Order Exceptions # =============================================================================
[docs] class InvalidOrderQuantity(Exception): """Raised when an `Order` with a non-negative amount is placed Parameters ---------- quantity : `Quantity` An invalid order quantity. *args : positional arguments More positional arguments for the exception. """ def __init__(self, quantity: 'Quantity', *args) -> None: super().__init__( "Invalid Quantity: {}. Order sizes must be positive.".format(quantity), *args )
# ============================================================================= # Wallet Exceptions # =============================================================================
[docs] class InsufficientFunds(Exception): """Raised when requested funds are greater than the free balance of a `Wallet` Parameters ---------- balance : `Quantity` The balance of the `Wallet` where funds are being allocated from. size : `Quantity` The amount being requested for allocation. *args : positional arguments More positional arguments for the exception. """ def __init__(self, balance: 'Quantity', size: 'Quantity', *args) -> None: super().__init__( "Insufficient funds for allocating size {} with balance {}.".format(size, balance), *args )
# ============================================================================= # Trading Pair Exceptions # =============================================================================
[docs] class InvalidTradingPair(Exception): """Raised when an invalid trading pair is trying to be created. Parameters ---------- base : 'Instrument' The base instrument of the pair. quote : 'Instrument' The quote instrument of the pair. *args : positional arguments More positional arguments for the exception. """ def __init__(self, base: 'Instrument', quote: 'Instrument', *args) -> None: super().__init__( "Invalid instrument pair {}/{}.".format(base, quote), *args )