# Copyright 2024 The TensorTrade and TensorTrade-NG Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
from __future__ import annotations
import typing
from itertools import product
from gymnasium.spaces import Discrete
from tensortrade.env.actions.abstract import AbstractActionScheme
from tensortrade.oms.orders import TradeType, TradeSide, risk_managed_order
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from gymnasium import Space
from tensortrade.oms.orders import Order, OrderListener
class ManagedRiskOrders(AbstractActionScheme):
"""A discrete action scheme that determines actions based on managing risk,
through setting a follow-up stop loss and take profit on every order.
stop : List[float]
A list of possible stop loss percentages for each order.
take : List[float]
A list of possible take profit percentages for each order.
trade_sizes : List[float]
A list of trade sizes to select from when submitting an order.
(e.g. '[1, 1/3]' = 100% or 33% of balance is tradable.
'4' = 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of balance is tradable.)
durations : List[int]
A list of durations to select from when submitting an order.
trade_type : `TradeType`
A type of trade to make.
order_listener : OrderListener
A callback class to use for listening to steps of the order process.
min_order_pct : float
The minimum value when placing an order, calculated in percent over net_worth.
min_order_abs : float
The minimum value when placing an order, calculated in absolute order value.
registered_name = "managed-risk"
def __init__(self,
stop: List[float] = [0.02, 0.04, 0.06],
take: List[float] = [0.01, 0.02, 0.03],
trade_sizes: Union[List[float], int] = 10,
durations: Union[List[int], int] = None,
trade_type: TradeType = TradeType.MARKET,
order_listener: Optional[OrderListener] = None,
min_order_pct: float = 0.02,
min_order_abs: float = 0.00) -> None:
self.min_order_pct = min_order_pct
self.min_order_abs = min_order_abs
self.stop = self.default('stop', stop)
self.take = self.default('take', take)
trade_sizes = self.default('trade_sizes', trade_sizes)
if isinstance(trade_sizes, list):
self.trade_sizes = trade_sizes
self.trade_sizes = [(x + 1) / trade_sizes for x in range(trade_sizes)]
durations = self.default('durations', durations)
self.durations = durations if isinstance(durations, list) else [durations]
self._trade_type = self.default('trade_type', trade_type)
self._order_listener = self.default('order_listener', order_listener)
self._action_space = None
self.actions = None
def action_space(self) -> Space:
if not self._action_space:
self.actions = product(
[TradeSide.BUY, TradeSide.SELL]
self.actions = list(self.actions)
self.actions = list(product(self.trading_env.portfolio.exchange_pairs, self.actions))
self.actions = [None] + self.actions
self._action_space = Discrete(len(self.actions))
return self._action_space
def get_orders(self, action: int) -> List[Order]:
if action == 0:
return []
(ep, (stop, take, proportion, duration, side)) = self.actions[action]
side = TradeSide(side)
instrument = side.instrument(ep.pair)
wallet = self.trading_env.portfolio.get_wallet(ep.exchange.id, instrument=instrument)
balance = wallet.balance.as_float()
size = (balance * proportion)
size = min(balance, size)
quantity = (size * instrument).quantize()
if size < 10 ** -instrument.precision \
or size < self.min_order_pct * self.trading_env.portfolio.net_worth \
or size < self.min_order_abs:
return []
params = {
'side': side,
'exchange_pair': ep,
'price': ep.price,
'quantity': quantity,
'down_percent': stop,
'up_percent': take,
'portfolio': self.trading_env.portfolio,
'trade_type': self._trade_type,
'end': self.clock.step + duration if duration else None
order = risk_managed_order(**params)
if self._order_listener is not None:
return [order]