# Copyright 2024 The TensorTrade and TensorTrade-NG Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
from __future__ import annotations
import random
import typing
import uuid
from warnings import warn
import gymnasium
from typing import List
from gymnasium.core import ActType, ObsType, RenderFrame
from tensortrade.core import TimeIndexed, Clock, Component
from tensortrade.env.plotters.utils import AggregatePlotter
from tensortrade.env.utils import FeedController, ObsState
from tensortrade.feed import DataFeed
from tensortrade.oms.orders import Broker
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any, SupportsFloat, Optional, Union
from tensortrade.env.actions.abstract import AbstractActionScheme
from tensortrade.env.observers.abstract import AbstractObserver
from tensortrade.env.rewards.abstract import AbstractRewardScheme
from tensortrade.env.renderers.abstract import AbstractRenderer
from tensortrade.env.plotters.abstract import AbstractPlotter
from tensortrade.env.stoppers.abstract import AbstractStopper
from tensortrade.env.informers.abstract import AbstractInformer
from tensortrade.oms.wallets import Portfolio
class TradingEnv(gymnasium.Env, TimeIndexed):
"""A trading environment made for use with Gym-compatible reinforcement
learning algorithms.
action_scheme : `AbstractActionScheme`
A component for generating an action to perform at each step of the
reward_scheme : `RewardScheme`
A component for computing reward after each step of the environment.
observer : `AbstractObserver`
A component for generating observations after each step of the
informer : `AbstractInformer`
A component for providing information after each step of the
renderer : `AbstractRenderer`
A component for rendering the environment.
render_mode : str
The chosen render mode. As example 'human'.
plotter : `AbstractPlotter`
A component for rendering the environment.
def __init__(self,
portfolio: Portfolio,
feed: DataFeed,
action_scheme: AbstractActionScheme,
reward_scheme: AbstractRewardScheme,
observer: AbstractObserver,
stopper: Optional[AbstractStopper] = None,
informer: Optional[AbstractInformer] = None,
renderer: Optional[AbstractRenderer] = None,
render_mode: Optional[str] = None,
plotter: Union[Optional[AbstractPlotter], List[AbstractPlotter]] = None,
random_start_pct: float = 0.00
) -> None:
self.random_start_pct = random_start_pct
# public variables
self.agent_id: Optional[str] = None
self.episode_id: Optional[str] = None
self.n_episode: int = -1
self.metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {}
# private variables
self._action_scheme = action_scheme
self._reward_scheme = reward_scheme
self._observer = observer
self._stopper = stopper
self._informer = informer
self._portfolio = portfolio
self._renderer = renderer
# renderer can be a list of multiple plotters
if plotter is not None and isinstance(plotter, List):
self._plotter = AggregatePlotter(renderers=plotter)
self._plotter = plotter
# init portfolio
self._portfolio.clock = self._clock
# internal attributes
self._broker = Broker()
self._feed = FeedController(feed, self._portfolio)
self._last_state: Optional[ObsState] = None
# init components
self._action_scheme.trading_env = self
self._reward_scheme.trading_env = self
self._observer.trading_env = self
if self._renderer is not None:
self._renderer.trading_env = self
self.metadata['render_modes'] = self._renderer.render_modes
if self._plotter is not None:
self._plotter.trading_env = self
if self._stopper is not None:
self._stopper.trading_env = self
if self._informer is not None:
self._informer.trading_env = self
# set action and observation space
self.action_space = self._action_scheme.action_space
self.observation_space = self._observer.observation_space
# configure renderer
if render_mode is not None:
if render_mode in self.metadata['render_modes']:
self.render_mode = render_mode
warn(f'Render mode "{render_mode}" is not supported.', UserWarning)
def clock(self) -> Clock:
return self._clock
def portfolio(self) -> Portfolio:
return self._portfolio
def broker(self) -> Broker:
return self._broker
def feed(self) -> FeedController:
return self._feed
def last_state(self) -> ObsState:
return self._last_state
def components(self) -> Dict[str, Component]:
"""The components of the environment. (`Dict[str,Component]`, read-only)"""
return {
"action_scheme": self._action_scheme,
"reward_scheme": self._reward_scheme,
"observer": self._observer,
"stopper": self._stopper,
"informer": self._informer,
"renderer": self._renderer
def step(self, action: ActType) -> Tuple[ObsType, SupportsFloat, bool, bool, Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Run one timestep of the environment's dynamics using the agent actions.
When the end of an episode is reached (``terminated or truncated``), it is necessary to call :meth:`reset` to
reset this environment's state for the next episode.
.. note::
The tuple returned contains the data according to :class:`gymnasium.Env` specifications:
* observation (ObsType): An element of the environment's :attr:`observation_space` as the next observation
due to the agent actions.
This could be a numpy array with the observed features at that time.
* reward (SupportsFloat): The reward as a result of taking the action.
* terminated (bool): Whether the agent reaches the terminal state which can be positive or negative. This
happens when there is no training data anymore or by the metric defined by :class:`AbstractStopper`.
* truncated (bool): Whether the truncation condition outside the scope is satisfied. This is not used by
* info (Dict[str, Any]): Contains auxiliary diagnostic information (helpful for debugging, learning, and logging).
It's controlled by the :class:`AbstractInformer`.
.. note::
Because the internals of this method may look a bit special, hereby a little explanation:
#. The first step is to execute the action defined by the :class:`AbstractActionScheme`. After executing,
we will have orders executed and therefor need to get new data.
#. We will now use ``self.feed.next()`` to fetch the newest data with the changes (like Orders) that the
action has done to the environment. We begin a new state.
#. Now we are ready to reward this new state by using the :class:`AbstractRewardScheme`.
#. After rewarding the agent we can get a new observation and info from this new state.
#. Last but not least we need to check if it's time to terminate this episode. This can either happen because
:class:`AbstractStopper` decides it, or we don't have any more data to begin a new state.
:param action: An action provided by the agent to update the environment state.
:type action: ActType
:return: A :class:`gymnasium.Env` observation of the environment to learn the agent.
:rtype: Tuple[ObsType, float, bool, bool, Dict[str, Any]]
# Execute the action decided by the agent
# Get new data and begin a new state
# Reward the agent, get a new observation for the next decision and add the info
reward = self._reward_scheme.reward()
obs, info = self._get_obs()
# Now we decide if we need to end this episode
if self._stopper is not None:
terminated = self._stopper.stop()
terminated = False
# If we are not terminated right now, check if there is still data available
if not terminated:
terminated = not self.feed.has_next()
# Save last state
self._last_state = ObsState(
if self.render_mode == 'human':
return obs, reward, terminated, False, info
def reset(
seed: Optional[int] = None,
options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> Tuple[ObsType, Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Resets the environment to an initial internal state, returning an initial observation and info.
This method resets all components of the environment to it's initial state and begins with a new episode. The seed
parameter is used to reset the PRNG of the environment. It should always be used to initialize the environment and
after the environment is terminated or truncated. Then it returns the first observation and info according to the
used components.
.. note::
The tuple returned contains the data according to :class:`gymnasium.Env` specifications:
* observation (ObsType): The first observation of the environment. Like in ``step()``.
* info (Dict[str, Any]): The info-dict like in ``step()``
:return: A :class:`gymnasium.Env` initial observation.
:rtype: Tuple[ObsType, Dict[str, Any]]
# reset all components
# return new observation
obs, info = self._get_obs()
# Save last state
self._last_state = ObsState(
if self.render_mode == 'human':
return obs, info
def render(self) -> Optional[Union[RenderFrame, List[RenderFrame]]]:
"""Renders the environment according to :class:`gymnasium.Env` specifications.
:returns: A `RenderFrame` or a list of `RenderFrame` instances.
:rtype: Optional[Union[RenderFrame, List[RenderFrame]]]
if self._renderer is not None:
return self._renderer.render()
def plot(self, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Renders the environment."""
if self._plotter is not None:
def close(self) -> None:
"""Closes the environment."""
def _get_obs(self) -> Tuple[ObsType, Dict[str, Any]]:
obs = self._observer.observe()
if self._informer is not None:
info = self._informer.info()
info = {}
return obs, info
def _reset_env(self, seed: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
if seed is not None:
if self.random_start_pct > 0:
random_start = random.randint(0, self.feed.features_len)
random_start = 0
# reset env state
self.episode_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.n_episode += 1
# reset component state
if self._stopper is not None:
if self._informer is not None:
if self._renderer is not None:
if self._plotter is not None: