Source code for

# Copyright 2019 The TensorTrade Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Callable
from decimal import Decimal

from tensortrade.core import Component, TimedIdentifiable
from tensortrade.oms.instruments import TradingPair

[docs] class ExchangeOptions: """An options class to specify the settings of an exchange. Parameters ---------- commission : float, default 0.003 The percentage of the order size taken by the exchange. min_trade_size : float, default 1e-6 The minimum trade size an order can have. max_trade_size : float, default 1e6 The maximum trade size an order can have. min_trade_price : float, default 1e-8 The minimum price an exchange can have. max_trade_price : float, default 1e8 The maximum price an exchange can have. is_live : bool, default False Whether live orders should be submitted to the exchange. """ def __init__(self, commission: float = 0.003, min_trade_size: float = 1e-6, max_trade_size: float = 1e6, min_trade_price: float = 1e-8, max_trade_price: float = 1e8, is_live: bool = False): self.commission = commission self.min_trade_size = min_trade_size self.max_trade_size = max_trade_size self.min_trade_price = min_trade_price self.max_trade_price = max_trade_price self.is_live = is_live
[docs] class Exchange(Component, TimedIdentifiable): """An abstract exchange for use within a trading environment. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the exchange. service : `Union[Callable, str]` The service to be used for filling orders. options : `ExchangeOptions` The options used to specify the setting of the exchange. """ registered_name = "exchanges" def __init__(self, name: str, service: Callable, options: ExchangeOptions = None): super().__init__() = name self._service = service self.options = options if options else ExchangeOptions() self._price_streams = {}
[docs] def __call__(self, *streams) -> "Exchange": """Sets up the price streams used to generate the prices. Parameters ---------- *streams The positional arguments each being a price stream. Returns ------- `Exchange` The exchange the price streams were passed in for. """ for s in streams: pair = "".join([c if c.isalnum() else "/" for c in]) self._price_streams[pair] = s.rename( + ":/" + return self
[docs] def streams(self) -> "List[Stream[float]]": """Gets the price streams for the exchange. Returns ------- `List[Stream[float]]` The price streams for the exchange. """ return list(self._price_streams.values())
[docs] def quote_price(self, trading_pair: "TradingPair") -> "Decimal": """The quote price of a trading pair on the exchange, denoted in the core instrument. Parameters ---------- trading_pair : `TradingPair` The trading pair to get the quote price for. Returns ------- `Decimal` The quote price of the specified trading pair, denoted in the core instrument. """ price = Decimal(self._price_streams[str(trading_pair)].value) if price == 0: raise ValueError("Price of trading pair {} is 0. Please check your input data to make sure there always is " "a valid (nonzero) price.".format(trading_pair)) price = price.quantize(Decimal(10) ** -trading_pair.base.precision) if price == 0: raise ValueError("Price quantized in base currency precision ({}) would amount to 0 {}. " "Please consider defining a custom instrument with a higher precision." .format(trading_pair.base.precision, trading_pair.base)) return price
[docs] def is_pair_tradable(self, trading_pair: 'TradingPair') -> bool: """Whether or not the specified trading pair is tradable on this exchange. Parameters ---------- trading_pair : `TradingPair` The trading pair to test the tradability of. Returns ------- bool Whether or not the pair is tradable. """ return str(trading_pair) in self._price_streams.keys()
[docs] def execute_order(self, order: 'Order', portfolio: 'Portfolio') -> None: """Execute an order on the exchange. Parameters ---------- order: `Order` The order to execute. portfolio : `Portfolio` The portfolio to use. """ trade = self._service( order=order, base_wallet=portfolio.get_wallet(, order.pair.base), quote_wallet=portfolio.get_wallet(, order.pair.quote), current_price=self.quote_price(order.pair), options=self.options, clock=self.clock ) if trade: order.fill(trade)