Source code for tensortrade.oms.orders.create

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from tensortrade.oms.instruments import ExchangePair
from tensortrade.oms.wallets import Portfolio
from tensortrade.oms.orders import Order, OrderSpec, TradeSide, TradeType
from tensortrade.oms.orders.criteria import Stop, Limit

[docs] def market_order(side: "TradeSide", exchange_pair: "ExchangePair", price: float, size: float, portfolio: "Portfolio") -> "Order": """Creates a market order. Parameters ---------- side : `TradeSide` The side of the order. exchange_pair : `ExchangePair` The exchange pair to perform the order for. price : float The current price. size : float The size of the order. portfolio : `Portfolio` The portfolio being used in the order. Returns ------- `Order` A market order. """ instrument = side.instrument(exchange_pair.pair) order = Order( step=portfolio.clock.step, side=side, trade_type=TradeType.MARKET, exchange_pair=exchange_pair, price=price, quantity=(size * instrument), portfolio=portfolio ) return order
[docs] def limit_order(side: "TradeSide", exchange_pair: "ExchangePair", limit_price: float, size: float, portfolio: 'Portfolio', start: int = None, end: int = None): """Creates a limit order. Parameters ---------- side : `TradeSide` The side of the order. exchange_pair : `ExchangePair` The exchange pair to perform the order for. limit_price : float The limit price of the order. size : float The size of the order. portfolio : `Portfolio` The portfolio being used in the order. start : int, optional The start time of the order. end : int, optional The end time of the order. Returns ------- `Order` A limit order. """ side = TradeSide[side] instrument = side.instrument(exchange_pair.pair) order = Order( step=portfolio.clock.step, side=side, trade_type=TradeType.LIMIT, exchange_pair=exchange_pair, price=limit_price, quantity=(size * instrument), start=start, end=end, portfolio=portfolio ) return order
[docs] def hidden_limit_order(side: "TradeSide", exchange_pair: "ExchangePair", limit_price: float, size: float, portfolio: "Portfolio", start: int = None, end: int = None): """Creates a hidden limit order. Parameters ---------- side : `TradeSide` The side of the order. exchange_pair : `ExchangePair` The exchange pair to perform the order for. limit_price : float The limit price of the order. size : float The size of the order. portfolio : `Portfolio` The portfolio being used in the order. start : int, optional The start time of the order. end : int, optional The end time of the order. Returns ------- `Order` A hidden limit order. """ side = TradeSide[side] instrument = side.instrument(exchange_pair.pair) order = Order( step=portfolio.clock.step, side=side, trade_type=TradeType.MARKET, exchange_pair=exchange_pair, price=limit_price, quantity=(size * instrument), start=start, end=end, portfolio=portfolio, criteria=Limit(limit_price=limit_price) ) return order
[docs] def risk_managed_order(side: "TradeSide", trade_type: "TradeType", exchange_pair: "ExchangePair", price: float, quantity: "Quantity", down_percent: float, up_percent: float, portfolio: "Portfolio", start: int = None, end: int = None): """Create a stop order that manages for percentages above and below the entry price of the order. Parameters ---------- side : `TradeSide` The side of the order. trade_type : `TradeType` The type of trade to make when going in. exchange_pair : `ExchangePair` The exchange pair to perform the order for. price : float The current price. down_percent: float The percentage the price is allowed to drop before exiting. up_percent : float The percentage the price is allowed to rise before exiting. quantity : `Quantity` The quantity of the order. portfolio : `Portfolio` The portfolio being used in the order. start : int, optional The start time of the order. end : int, optional The end time of the order. Returns ------- `Order` A stop order controlling for the percentages above and below the entry price. """ side = TradeSide(side) instrument = side.instrument(exchange_pair.pair) order = Order( step=portfolio.clock.step, side=side, trade_type=TradeType(trade_type), exchange_pair=exchange_pair, price=price, start=start, end=end, quantity=quantity, portfolio=portfolio ) risk_criteria = Stop("down", down_percent) ^ Stop("up", up_percent) risk_management = OrderSpec( side=TradeSide.SELL if side == TradeSide.BUY else TradeSide.BUY, trade_type=TradeType.MARKET, exchange_pair=exchange_pair, criteria=risk_criteria ) order.add_order_spec(risk_management) return order
[docs] def proportion_order(portfolio: 'Portfolio', source: 'Wallet', target: 'Wallet', proportion: float) -> 'Order': """Creates an order that sends a proportion of funds from one wallet to another. Parameters ---------- portfolio : `Portfolio` The portfolio that contains both wallets. source : `Wallet` The source wallet for the funds. target : `Wallet` The target wallet for the funds. proportion : float The proportion of funds to send. """ assert 0.0 < proportion <= 1.0 exchange = base_params = { 'step': portfolio.clock.step, 'portfolio': portfolio, 'trade_type': TradeType.MARKET, 'start': portfolio.clock.step, 'end': portfolio.clock.step + 1 } pair = None is_source_base = (source.instrument == portfolio.base_instrument) is_target_base = (target.instrument == portfolio.base_instrument) if is_source_base or is_target_base: if is_source_base: pair = source.instrument / target.instrument else: pair = target.instrument / source.instrument exchange_pair = ExchangePair(exchange, pair) balance = source.balance.as_float() size = min(balance * proportion, balance) quantity = (size * source.instrument).quantize() params = { **base_params, 'side': TradeSide.BUY if is_source_base else TradeSide.SELL, 'exchange_pair': exchange_pair, 'price': exchange_pair.price, 'quantity': quantity } return Order(**params) pair = portfolio.base_instrument / source.instrument exchange_pair = ExchangePair(exchange, pair) balance = source.balance.as_float() size = min(balance * proportion, balance) quantity = (size * source.instrument).quantize() params = { **base_params, 'side': TradeSide.SELL, 'exchange_pair': exchange_pair, 'price': exchange_pair.price, 'quantity': quantity } order = Order(**params) pair = portfolio.base_instrument / target.instrument order.add_order_spec(OrderSpec( side=TradeSide.BUY, trade_type=TradeType.MARKET, exchange_pair=ExchangePair(exchange, pair), criteria=None )) return order