Source code for tensortrade.oms.orders.order

# Copyright 2019 The TensorTrade Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License

import uuid

from enum import Enum
from typing import Callable
from decimal import Decimal

from tensortrade.core import TimedIdentifiable, Observable
from tensortrade.core.exceptions import InvalidOrderQuantity
from tensortrade.oms.instruments import Quantity, ExchangePair
from tensortrade.oms.orders import Trade, TradeSide, TradeType

[docs] class OrderStatus(Enum): """An enumeration for the status of an order.""" PENDING = "pending" OPEN = "open" CANCELLED = "cancelled" PARTIALLY_FILLED = "partially_filled" FILLED = "filled" def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs] class Order(TimedIdentifiable, Observable): """A class to represent ordering an amount of a financial instrument. Responsibilities of the Order: 1. Confirming its own validity. 2. Tracking its trades and reporting it back to the broker. 3. Managing movement of quantities from order to order. 4. Generating the next order in its path given that there is a 'OrderSpec' for how to make the next order. 5. Managing its own state changes when it can. Parameters ---------- side : `TradeSide` The side of the order. exchange_pair : `ExchangePair` The exchange pair to perform the order for. price : float The price of the order. trade_type : `TradeType` The type of trade being made. exchange_pair : `ExchangePair` The exchange pair that the order is made for. quantity : `Quantity` The quantity of the order. portfolio : `Portfolio` The portfolio being used in the order. criteria : `Callable[[Order, Exchange], bool]`, optional The criteria under which the order will be considered executable. path_id : str, optional The path order id. start : int, optional The start time of the order. end : int, optional The end time of the order. Raises ------ InvalidOrderQuantity Raised if the given quantity has a size of 0. """ def __init__(self, step: int, side: TradeSide, trade_type: TradeType, exchange_pair: 'ExchangePair', quantity: 'Quantity', portfolio: 'Portfolio', price: float, criteria: 'Callable[[Order, Exchange], bool]' = None, path_id: str = None, start: int = None, end: int = None): super().__init__() Observable.__init__(self) quantity = quantity.contain(exchange_pair) if quantity.size == 0: raise InvalidOrderQuantity(quantity) self.step = step self.side = side self.type = trade_type self.exchange_pair = exchange_pair self.portfolio = portfolio self.price = price self.criteria = criteria self.path_id = path_id or str(uuid.uuid4()) self.quantity = quantity self.start = start or step self.end = end self.status = OrderStatus.PENDING self._specs = [] self.trades = [] wallet = portfolio.get_wallet(, self.side.instrument(self.exchange_pair.pair) ) if self.path_id not in wallet.locked.keys(): self.quantity = wallet.lock(quantity, self, "LOCK FOR ORDER") self.remaining = self.quantity @property def size(self) -> 'Decimal': """The size of the order. (`Decimal`, read-only)""" if not self.quantity or self.quantity is None: return Decimal(-1) return self.quantity.size @property def pair(self) -> 'TradingPair': """The trading pair of the order. (`TradingPair`, read-only)""" return self.exchange_pair.pair @property def base_instrument(self) -> 'Instrument': """The base instrument of the pair being traded.""" return self.exchange_pair.pair.base @property def quote_instrument(self) -> 'Instrument': """The quote instrument of the pair being traded.""" return self.exchange_pair.pair.quote @property def is_buy(self) -> bool: """If this is a buy order. (bool, read-only)""" return self.side == TradeSide.BUY @property def is_sell(self) -> bool: """If this is a sell order. (bool, read-only)""" return self.side == TradeSide.SELL @property def is_limit_order(self) -> bool: """If this is a limit order. (bool, read-only)""" return self.type == TradeType.LIMIT @property def is_market_order(self) -> bool: """If this is a market order. (bool, read-only)""" return self.type == TradeType.MARKET @property def is_executable(self) -> bool: """If this order is executable. (bool, read-only)""" is_satisfied = self.criteria is None or self.criteria(self, clock = return is_satisfied and clock.step >= self.start @property def is_expired(self) -> bool: """If this order is expired. (bool, read-only)""" if self.end: return >= self.end return False @property def is_cancelled(self) -> bool: """If this order is cancelled. (bool, read-only)""" return self.status == OrderStatus.CANCELLED @property def is_active(self) -> bool: """If this order is active. (bool, read-only)""" return self.status != OrderStatus.FILLED and self.status != OrderStatus.CANCELLED @property def is_complete(self) -> bool: """If this order is complete. (bool, read-only)""" if self.status == OrderStatus.CANCELLED: return True wallet = self.portfolio.get_wallet(, self.side.instrument(self.exchange_pair.pair) ) quantity = wallet.locked.get(self.path_id, None) return (quantity and quantity.size == 0) or self.remaining.size <= 0
[docs] def add_order_spec(self, order_spec: 'OrderSpec') -> 'Order': """Adds an order specification to the order. Parameters ---------- order_spec : `OrderSpec` An order specification. Returns ------- `Order` The current order. """ self._specs += [order_spec] return self
[docs] def execute(self) -> None: """Executes the order.""" self.status = OrderStatus.OPEN if self.portfolio.order_listener: self.attach(self.portfolio.order_listener) for listener in self.listeners or []: listener.on_execute(self), self.portfolio)
[docs] def fill(self, trade: 'Trade') -> None: """Fills the order. Parameters ---------- trade : `Trade` A trade to fill the order. """ self.status = OrderStatus.PARTIALLY_FILLED filled = trade.quantity + trade.commission self.remaining -= filled self.trades += [trade] for listener in self.listeners or []: listener.on_fill(self, trade)
[docs] def complete(self) -> 'Order': """Completes an order. Returns ------- `Order` The completed order. """ self.status = OrderStatus.FILLED order = None if self._specs: order_spec = self._specs.pop() order = order_spec.create_order(self) for listener in self.listeners or []: listener.on_complete(self) self.listeners = [] return order or self.release("COMPLETED")
[docs] def cancel(self, reason: str = "CANCELLED") -> None: """Cancels an order. Parameters ---------- reason : str, default 'CANCELLED' The reason for canceling the order. """ self.status = OrderStatus.CANCELLED for listener in self.listeners or []: listener.on_cancel(self) self.listeners = [] self.release(reason)
[docs] def release(self, reason: str = "RELEASE (NO REASON)") -> None: """Releases all quantities from every wallet that have been allocated for this order. Parameters ---------- reason : str, default 'RELEASE (NO REASON)' The reason for releasing all locked quantities associated with the order. """ for wallet in self.portfolio.wallets: if self.path_id in wallet.locked.keys(): quantity = wallet.locked[self.path_id] if quantity is not None: wallet.unlock(quantity, reason) wallet.locked.pop(self.path_id, None)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Creates a dictionary representation of the order. Returns ------- dict The dictionary representation of the order. """ return { "id":, "step": self.step, "exchange_pair": str(self.exchange_pair), "status": self.status, "type": self.type, "side": self.side, "quantity": self.quantity, "size": self.size, "remaining": self.remaining, "price": self.price, "criteria": self.criteria, "path_id": self.path_id, "created_at": self.created_at }
[docs] def to_json(self) -> dict: """Creates a json dictionary representation of the order. Returns ------- dict The json dictionary representation of the order """ return { "id": str(, "step": int(self.step), "exchange_pair": str(self.exchange_pair), "status": str(self.status), "type": str(self.type), "side": str(self.side), "base_symbol": str(self.exchange_pair.pair.base.symbol), "quote_symbol": str(self.exchange_pair.pair.quote.symbol), "quantity": str(self.quantity), "size": float(self.size), "remaining": str(self.remaining), "price": float(self.price), "criteria": str(self.criteria), "path_id": str(self.path_id), "created_at": str(self.created_at) }
def __str__(self) -> str: data = ['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in self.to_dict().items()] return '<{}: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(data)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)